This baby is enjoying hanging out with his Grandma Sheba on the cat tree.

This has been a big week for the kittens.
They are all big enough to climb out of the large box they had been in.
Everyone is using the litter box
and eating solid food, although
they still get lots of nourishment from mom.

Ialso put colored bands on their necks to help me tell them apart,
I have never had a litter where everyone looks so much alike.
This is Sheldon (red band) with Grandma Sheba.

This is Leslie, she is by far the bravest of the kittens.
She has already trekked through the entire house,
she also loves Oreo and scares the poor dog
by running right up to her.

This is the other little girl Penny discovering cat toys.

Its fun watching them explore and discover the house.
Although they have had toys around since they were born,
they are just learning what to do with them.