Thursday, February 3, 2011

Myrrh's New Babies

Myrrh's kittens were born January 16. This is Joey's first litter and he has sired some beautiful babies. Myrrh had a real easy time with this litter. They are a nice bunch and are kind of quiet and contented babies.

They started cutting their teeth a few days ago so I have moved them into the bathroom where they will be safe outside their little box. They have solid food and a litter box close by and are learning to be interested in them.
This is a really sweet bunch of kittens, they are not fearful at all when we pick them up. They are brave about crawling in and out of their box and exploring a little.
I haven't figured out how many girls and boys I have yet. It is hard to tell when they are so tiny. When they were first born I thought only two of them were girls but as they get a little bigger more of them look like girls. I won't work on names until I get that all figured out.
Some of you know I've had some medical issues and am going to have surgery at the beginning of March. I won't be able to post as many pictures as I have in the past as photographing them is one thing that has been difficult for me. I'm having some trouble with my vision.
I will do my best to keep this updated though so those of you following their growth can enjoy them with me. I should be well back on my feet by the time they are ready for their new homes. I appreciate all of you who enjoy my kitties.