Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gettin Rowdy

Things are getting rowdy in our house.
Constant games of ambush and tackle.
Jilly Boo likes finding stuff to sit in and look cute.
Hide in here and we can pounce on Auntie Myrrh!
Auntie M is NOT amused!
Get these kids outta here!
Time for a trip to the great outdoors-AKA "the porch".

Um, this is new!
Nice swing but a little "swingy".
Chocolate boy glamour shot!
My it's big out there!
Wunder wuts in here?

I hope I don't get blamed for the footprints!
The kitties enjoyed their first trip out on the porch. They were a bit cautious and the flag on the porch worried them when it flapped in the breeze. Everyone was glad to get back in to the house.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


You may be wondering at this point exactly how many cats we have in our house. We have 4 Siamese adults that we breed, Sheba, Myrrh, Lily and Weezer. One retired Siamese stud cat-Solomon. One persian-Mia, and one Maine Coon Mix-Lynx. Lily has 5 kittens, Sheba has 4 kittens and Mia has 2 kittens.

We have seven litterboxes and spend an unreal amount on catfood. There are also two dogs, Maggie and Oreo.

I am very grateful that my husband and children love and enjoy the animals as much as I do.

Sheba's 6-18-08

One of Sheba's favorite spots is the Meezer Rocker. She can monitor the kids and the TV from here. Sheba loves babies. When she doesn't have her own to snuggle she will make some up, she will pretend toys or socks are babies and carry them around the house.
Soon enough these little ones are up and around. They are hilarious pouncing and running through the house. This one is temporarily hostile. They get over it pretty fast.

Its fun to sneak up on someone who is distracted by the camera.

Trashing the bathroom is a popular activity.

These two are chillin on the bathroom rug, the little one is Sheba's, the larger one is Lily's
Sheba's kids are all sealpoints.
Skippyjon Jones-boy
Jezzie Bell-girl
Juju Bee-girl
Baby Jane-girl

Friday, August 1, 2008

Lily's 2nd Batch Born 6-3-08

This is a first look at Lily's babies in what we like to call a meezer pile. The kittens are born white or cream colored and develop the points in a few days. We make sure to hold, kiss and talk to each one every day so that they and mom get used to being handled. Their eyes and ears are closed at birth so the touch and smell of us is important for them to learn.

This is a very happy Lily loving on her babies. Look at that contented face!

In just about 2 weeks everybody's eyes are open and the kittens begin batting at each other. Notice the toys in the box? Mom brought those in the kitten box with her!

Bathtime is frequent, the kittens squirm and fuss, aw mom cut it out!

Soon the kittens begin thinking outside the box! Let me out! I know there is fun stuff to do out there!

As soon as we bring them out they are terrified. Not too terrified to explore though. You know what they say about curiousity and the cat.

Soon they come to the edge of the bed, or the end of this world. They will go right off, so we are ready to catch them!

It seems like in no time they are big enough to get up on the bed all by themselves. This sweet baby is a lilac point.
Lily's crew: Mr. Fluffernutter-lilac boy
Mr. Fuzzypants-chocolate boy
Mr. Cocopugs-seal boy
June Bug-chocolate girl
Jilly Boo-seal girl