Friday, October 10, 2008

A New Face

We have a new little guy available now.
His name is "Squeak" after the sound he made when he was tiny.
At first he did not like being picked up and so far away from the ground.
He's over that now.
Here you can see his points the best.
He is very white with orangecream points.
His mom is a registered Persian (here in the corner of pic with his sister)

Dad is my bluepoint Siamese.

He is a classic creampoint Himalayan.
In this face on view you can see he has a longer nose and slimmer face than a traditional Himalayan. This is called a dollface.
Mr Fuzzypants is still looking for a forever home.
He likes to help on the computer and is teaching me to type with one had and scratch ears with the other.
These two little sealpoint girls have a blast tearing through the house.
They are both gorgeous girls and real lovebugs.

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